2021 Accomplishments

In December, the Carlson Farm HOA held their annual meeting and board member election. Please take a moment to look at last years accomplishments and this years election results. The FY22 budget was also reviewed and approved. 2021 Annual Meeting Presentation

2021 Annul Meeting

Thank you to those who voted to confirm the new board members. We did reach quorum! Here is the information if you wish to join the meeting on December 9th, 2021 at 7PM. Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us06web.zoom.us/j/83744163411?pwd=RjNtcVZoSzVyK1gvSG95ZVZlcTdhdz09Meeting ID: 837 4416 3411Passcode: 804463 Phone Number: 1 (312) 626 6799 We will cover the new board, this years…

2021 Board Election Ballot

The 2021 submission for candidates who wish to run for vacant board positions has closed. You will be getting an official ballot in the mail very soon. We have 3 vacant positions and 3 candidates. You can print the ballot early and submit via email, by clicking the link below. Because we are having the…